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Throughout the history of art, women have been painted and idolised. However, there has been little representation of women behind the canvas, despite their contributions to the visual arts world. It appears that many woman artists have been erased from traditional art history; this becomes very apparent when looking at the creators of art throughout time. The vast majority of famous Artists are men many of whom are described as a "Master of the arts". The use of the word "Master" demonstrates that even language is used to promote the

Throughout the history of art, women have been painted and idolised. However, there has been little representation of women behind the canvas, despite their contributions to the visual arts world. It appears that many woman artists have been erased from traditional art history; this becomes very apparent when looking at the creators of art throughout time. The vast majority of famous Artists are men many of whom are described as a "Master of the arts". The use of the word "Master" demonstrates that even language is used to promote the

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